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Mentorship Program

The Rosemary Brinkley Mentorship Exchange Program

The Rosemary Brinkley Mentorship Exchange Program is designed to provide Management Mentors to AACUC Member Credit Unions and Members. Ms. Brinkley was a member of the Educational Systems Federal Credit Union in Greenbelt, MD for more than 50 years. She served for 46 years on the Board of Directors. During her service, Ms. Brinkley held the offices of Treasurer, Vice Chair and Chair. Under her leadership on the board Educational Systems FCU grew from serving several thousand members in one Maryland county to more than 87,000 members in seven counties throughout the state. Ms. Brinkley received her undergraduate degree from Hampton University and her master’s degree from New York University.
During her 33-year career in education, she was an educator with Charles County Public Schools and later became an educator and administrator in Prince George’s County Public Schools. The Rosemary Brinkley Mentorship Exchange Program was named after her because “Rosemary always led with her mantra of ‘We can do better.’ She was a true champion of education and credit unions,” Chris Conway, president/CEO of Educational Systems FCU, said. “Our credit union family is deeply saddened by her passing on October 21, 2016.”


AACUC’s Mentorship Committee will provide oversight for the Management Mentor Program working closely with the Vice President of Programs. This committee will provide an expansion of the current mentoring program. The Mentorship Committee will oversee development, implementation and evaluation of the program.


The Management Mentor Program plan will identify Mentoring Program priorities and designates roles, responsibilities, and criteria for meeting those priorities. The program plan will provide a systematic process for Mentors to carry out its mission of providing, blended learning and developmental opportunities for AACUC members.


The major function of the Management Mentor Program is to promote the mentee’s development in specific areas and to facilitate successful completion of the program. The Mentee will be exposed to “C” level thought leadership, professional grooming, career progression strategies, and how to navigate their professional career as a person of color.


The Mentoring Committee and its members seek to provide professional guidance and support to AACUC Members. The Committee Members will provide one-on-one career support for those AACUC Members accepted into the Program.

Basic Guidelines for Mentors and Mentees

The Mentoring Program provides all AACUC Members an opportunity to develop a professional relationship with an experienced credit union professional. We appreciate that each mentor/mentee relationship will develop differently depending on many factors.

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Program Overview and GuIDELINES

  • Nine month program

  • At least one meeting every three weeks

  • Virtual sessions – mentor and mentee determine format

  • Quarterly Mentor and Mentee Group sessions

  • Quarterly Mentor and Mentee Check in sessions

  • Confidentiality

Basic Guidelines for Mentors and Mentees

  • Provide a reciprocal learning and networking relationship

  • Facilitate  mentees opportunity to build leadership and management skills

  • Offer the mentor an opportunity to reflect upon their own professional journey and experiences

  • Provide mentors the satisfaction of sharing their own professional wisdom with others

  • Enhance professional development and become involved with AACUC Programs and Committees

  • Mentorship can lead to the development of lifelong friendships

C-Level Leadership Development and Mentorship
for AACUC Member Credit Union and Members

Young Businessman

C-Leadership Competencies

Confident Woman

Program Dates:

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  • Self Leadership

  • Communication

  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

  • Coaching Others

  • Engaging Management

  • Leading Change

  • Business Acumen

  • Strategic Thinking

  • Alignment to Execution

  • Achieving Results

  • Crisis Management

February through October

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